When people think of the philosophy of the Warrior Sage, they often think of it as being harsh. It often contradicts their idea of spirituality. Warrior does imply fighting, so I suppose that throws people off a bit. Warrior means brave or experienced fighter. Sage means one of profound wisdom. The Warrior Sage is one that has fought their way beyond illusion and ignorance to embrace perception and wisdom.
The Warrior Sage is a symbol. It is an inner feeling. In my inner feelings, I see the Warrior Sage as an old Chinese Daoist Sage walking along the banks of the river. Just a man walking alone with the flow of the Eternal Dao. Just a man in tune with the spirituality of nature. Silent. Serene. Humble, yet willing to fight.
Symbols have meaning and purpose. You may create your world with words, but your mind doesn’t really work with words. It works with images. Symbols have power, because symbols contain more feeling than a thousand words. Everything is a feeling. Inner power has absolutely nothing to do with what you think. It has nothing to do with the power of your mind. It has to do with the quality of your vibrational energy. Inner power is all in the way you feel. Life is a reflection of your inner feelings. The quality of your life is a reflection of the quality of the feelings and symbols you hold within. Life is a reflection of standards.
The only real problem with life is that you were born into a system of programming and control. The system thrives on domination and restriction. It sustains it. Your true spiritual evolutionary path and purpose is simply to evolve through feeling, experiencing, and expressing your inner light in this life. This is the challenge of the human evolutionary experience. To evolve beyond restriction to embrace liberation. To develop your energy and expand your consciousness. To maintain your inner light—No matter what you face—Against all odds. To become authentic, real, and true in a world based on ego.
The spiritual journey is the process of transcending the ego to stand in this life as a true human being—simply your true inner self. The spiritual journey is the process of transcending the intellect to embrace the ways of spirit. The spiritual journey is the process of transcending illusion and ignorance to embrace this life with perception, warmth, wisdom, and understanding. The spiritual journey is the process of transcending the programming and control to embrace and follow your natural intuitive inner feelings.
The spiritual journey is a battle of resonances. You have to fight to reclaim your inner power. You have to fight to neutralize the destructive force of your ego. You have to fight to discipline emotion and mind. You have to fight to step beyond the invisible fields of programming and control. No one hands you freedom. You have to fight for it. To have a strong individual soul of your own, you have to fight for one.
This does not mean to fight the system. It means to fight the programming and control that the system embeds into your consciousness. It means to fight the constant hammer of conditioning. This does not mean to fight with people over emotional imbalances and rigid intellectual opinions. It means to fight the grip and control that your very own emotional imbalances and rigid intellectual opinions hold over your very own spiritual evolution, existence, and purpose. If you are only fighting to sustain your human emotion and rigid opinions, then you are only sustaining the very fields of control that you are seeking to transcend. It has absolutely nothing to do with enforcing and infringing your rigid intellectual beliefs and opinions onto others. It means to stop enforcing and infringing your rigid intellectual beliefs and opinions onto others. It means to allow others to be. The wars of men have all been fought in the name of the false gods of emotion and mind—reaction and opinion. Evolve into something more.
The Warrior Sage has no desire to fight. They only seek to walk along mountain lakes and streams, at one with all things. The master is not the master, because they have to fight. The master is the master, because they don’t have to fight. The Warrior Sage does not lock horns with the system. The Warrior Sage does not engage in conflict. They disengage from the system. They disengage from conflict. Engaging in conflict only traps you within the energy field of the conflict. The Warrior Sage disciplines emotion and mind to embrace this life with a more rarefied etheric perception and wisdom. It is their Eternal Stance.
The philosophy of the Warrior Sage may seem harsh. Harshness is only an opinion. The words and ways of the Warrior Sage only seem harsh from the perspective of someone locked within their rigid ego—their emotional imbalances and rigid opinions. The truth only hurts, because it contradicts the ego’s opinions, but the ego, emotion, mind, and programming are the very things that the person seeks to transcend.
The grip of the ego, emotion, and mind is strong. The grip of programming is strong.
The Warrior Sage never caters to your ego. They teach you how to neutralize your ego. They never cater to human emotion and mind. They teach you how to transcend your emotion and mind. They teach you how to heal emotion and mind. The Warrior Sage never caters to your programming. They deprogram your programming. The more ego you have, the harsher their words seem. The less ego you have, the warmer their words will seem. The more warmth, wisdom, and understanding you have, the more you will know these words are true. The more warmth, wisdom, and understanding you develop within, the more you will perceive—the stronger you will be—the more beautiful your life will be. Come. Evolve.
The Way of the Warrior Sage is never to harm. The Way of the Warrior Sage is always to heal.
© 2010 – Khris Krepcik
The Hooded Sage. All Rights Reserved.